Movement has a profound impact on your glucose level throughout the day. By moving your body for at least 10 minutes after eating a meal, you can impact a spike's magnitude (peak) & impact (how quickly your body brings glucose down). Logging your movement and exercise throughout the day gives you insight into how movement impacts you specifically.
Best Practice for Logging Movement
Do you have an external device or app you are already using to track your movement? You can set up syncing to automatically sync your data to Signos. For more information about syncing a device or app to Signos, check out this article.
Steps to creating a logged exercise:
Select the type of movement you would like to log. If you are starting an exercise log before moving, select “Start.” If you are logging movement that you have already completed, select “Log.”
Logging Exercise in the Moment
- Select Start at the bottom of the screen, and then a timer will start.
- Once you finish moving, select “End” and your log will automatically be added to your glucose graph.
Logging Completed Exercise
- Add the start and end time.
- Confirm the type of movement you completed.
- *If desired* add in the calories burned and the overall distance/reps you completed.
- Add any notes about the movement.
- Select “Log.”
Select the running man icon on your glucose graph to review insights related to the impact of your movement. You can see the amount of calories you burned as well as the glucose impact.
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