What is a Glucose Range?
Glucose levels are generally not stable; rather, they vary throughout the day. Many factors influence their level, including the foods you eat, your movement, your stress, and even the quality of your sleep. As a result, we do not recommend a specific number as a goal but rather a range. According to the American Diabetes Association, normal glucose readings for an adult are 80 -130mg/dL before a meal. And less than 180 mg/dL 1-2 hours after a meal. These numbers will differ for those living with diabetes.
At Signos, we call this target range your optimal glucose or weight loss range (the purple-shaded area on your graph). Each time you open the Signos app, you will see your glucose readings in real-time and will be able to determine if the number is within the designated range. Each day we will show you how long your glucose stays within the designated range in the circles at the top of your screen. We call this measurement time in range.
How is my range determined?
Based on your onboarding goals, you will see an optimal range or a weight loss range on your graph. Initially, we set the upper bound of your optimal glucose range at 120 mg/dL and your lower bound at 80 mg/dL. For people living with diabetes, the upper bound will be set at 140.
However, as you continue wearing sensors, the algorithm watches your glucose patterns and resets your upper bound on an automated basis. The model takes a number of factors into account. We look at your recent glucose history, your personal goals, your current upper bound, and your average time in range. Based on these inputs, we adjust your upper bound to give you a goal.
What am I aiming for?
You don't have to be in the range 100% of the time to see great results. Aim for roughly 85% in your recommended range for optimal results, however, our data shows that anything above 70% contributes to weight management. Check out the Time in Range Overview for more information.
What if I don't have a lower range on my glucose graph?
Individuals who selected weight loss as their primary goal will not have a lower glucose number.
Why did my upper bound change?
Regularly, our algorithm will review your glucose data to determine if your upper range should be adjusted. The algorithm adjustments will stay between 110-140 for non-diabetics and 140-180 for people living with diabetes. For example, a change down means that you have been consistently well time in range. Your glucose levels are unique to you and change due to glucose tolerance, natural variation in sensors, and other factors.
Can I change my upper bound?
We recommend using the algorithm to set an upper bound. We’re more than happy to manually adjust your range. Let us know if you’d like your range to be adjusted and what you’d like it to be.
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